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Three Ways to Make More Sales on Amazon

September 06, 20234 min read

“Sales is not about selling anymore, but about building trust and educating.” - Siva Devaki

Three Ways to Make More Sales on Amazon

Amazon, as in, is the world’s largest online retailer and prominent cloud services provider. Originally, their focus was selling books, but as most people know, it has evolved into an online outlet where you can purchase just about anything you can image. Today, I’m talking book sales and how you can make Amazon work for you to sell your book.

In a previous blog, I shared tips on setting up your Amazon Author Page through Amazon Author Central. Today, I’m going to share my three tips to make your Amazon account work for you for increased book sales:

  1. Keep information current

  2. Ask for reviews

  3. Run ads on Amazon 

Amazon Sales Are Possible

Keep Amazon Author and Book Pages Current

When you’re logged into your Author Central account, go to your Amazon Author Page and make sure you’re updating it with recent information. Is your blog feed current? When people click the blog link does it direct them to your blog? Do a quick check and click the link yourself. Or, have you updated your website and you forgot to include the new link in Author Central?

Better yet, are you writing blogs so folks can stay in touch with what’s going on in your world? When was the last time you wrote a blog? What’s a new event you have coming up you can share with others? Do you have a new podcast you’re going to be on talking about your book? Do you have a new book launch coming up soon? Staying front and center of people letting them know what’s going on in your life and in your business keeps you on their radar, especially when they connect with you.

Have you checked your author and book page to make sure everything is listed correctly? If you have a print book for sale and an e-book version are they both listed on your page? We noticed one of our client’s book formats was not listed on the book’s product page so potential buyers didn’t realize they had an option to purchase a print or e-book version. With a call to Amazon the issue was rectified. Make it easy for your potential buyers to find your books.

When you have a new book coming out update your bibliography so people know it’s ready. Once you’ve completed this process it should show up on Amazon within a few days.

Ask for Reviews Before Selling

There is a period in the writing/publishing process when it’s time to ask for reviews from colleagues, mentors, and people who are familiar with your genre of book. Why? Because your book is a business and reviews add credibility and can encourage new readers (customers) to purchase. People are doing a lot of due diligence research before purchasing anything. Book reviews provide proof and help readers know if your book is well written and if it’s a good story. They can then make an informed decision if the book is worth their money.

Once you receive reviews back from your list of readers, you can input those reviews into your Author Central Pages and potential customers will see them when looking to purchase your book.

Book reviews can also move your book up the search ranking for Amazon and Goodreads.

Create an E-book Promotion on Amazon Marketing Services.

Amazon Marketing Services (AMS) is a platform where you tell Amazon you want your book to show up in certain search results, or on the sales page of other books on Amazon, and you are willing to pay them some money for each click on your ad. There are two types of AMS ads:

  • Sponsored Product Ads which use specific keywords so if someone plugs in the keyword "cybersecurity in hospitals” your ad will show up in the search results.

  • Product Display Ads which display results for products. This type of advertisement shows buyers they have an option to purchase your book rather than, or at the same time, they purchase a book similar to yours.

In order to set up your Kindle ads with AMS, it is required for the author to have a published book through Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Login to your KDP account dashboard and click on the book you want to create an ad for and click advertise. From here you can choose which ad you want to create, sponsored or product, and KDP will take you through the steps.

In Summary

Because your book is a business, your goal is to make sales. Today, I discussed three (of many) tips on how to make Amazon work for you to create book sales: keep information current, ask for reviews, and run ads on Amazon. What’s one action step you’re going to take to increase your sales on Amazon?

As an author in business, your task is to write. If you’d like help creating action steps in your marketing plan, schedule a complementary strategy session with us and let’s chat!

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Colleen Wietmarschen, CPP

A lifelong Midwesterner, Colleen was born, raised, and has stayed in Cincinnati, Ohio. Why? Because it’s home. Colleen found her love of the English language while working at a law firm where she developed her finesse in editing and proofreading and has carried these skills throughout her 27+ years as an entrepreneur. If she’s being honest, she isn’t afraid to learn anything, but prefers to pass technology stuff off to any interested party! Anyone in a meeting Colleen facilitates knows she believes it’s OK to have fun when working so the meetings start with gratitude and celebrations. One of her favorite quotes is, “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” ~Charlie Chaplin In her spare time, Colleen likes to be outdoors. Whether it’s gardening, walking, hiking, completing a half marathon, or a sprint triathlon, nature and water are where Colleen finds joy and peace. Her walking buddy is Chloe, her dog, and when she can drag her husband out, she’ll take him along! Colleen sings in her church choir and another quote close to her heart is, “Music Makes Us Human” (Unknown). In 2011, Colleen won the Best of Cincinnati Writers Award, in 2015, she won the Jan B. King Scholarship which led her to the path of Certified Author Assistant, and in 2022, she was honored to win the Women With Vision Award.

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