Download Your FREE 2024 Writing Planner

Share Your Story

Are you ready to write your book?

You’ve thought about writing a book to share your story with the world.

No matter what your story is, you deserve to tell it!

The Fight For Attention

In today’s world, it feels as if we can no longer focus on what is important to us.

As much as we all love our family, sometimes we’re running kids to school and sports, parents to doctor’s appointments, and we barely have
time to feed ourselves. That’s just our family! We are bombarded with work from the time we wake up until we shut off our phones. And don’t forget the constant assault of social media and news that cloud our inbox, TV, and phone screen!

No wonder you haven’t had the chance to sit down to write!

Take Back Your Time

We’ve been there and we get it! We face the same challenges as you, trying to balance work and family and social life. And we know the
challenge it can be to find even a few minutes for a little peace and quiet to sit down and write.

We have a unique perspective to offer writers. Not only have we worked with numerous authors to write and publish their book, but we also are
train publishing professionals who work alongside authors in the same manner as we do. This perspective has allowed us to gather some of the best information from people in the industry on how writers can best utilize their time to write.

3 Steps Begin Writing

That is why we created the 2024 Writing Planner.

The 2024 Writing Planner helps you make progress on your book in three easy steps:

  • Use the planner to schedule your daily writing time.

  • Write down your daily goals in the writing planner.

  • Track the progress of your goals on daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Download Your FREE 2024 Writing Planner