$999.00 $349
Our Signature Course Prices SLASHED!


Celebrate Summer With Our Biggest Savings Yet!

LIVE one-on-one coaching is included in this ridiculously low, low, lowest ever priced deal!

Confused about the publishing process? Learn and use the industry's best practices.

Concerned you won't make back your investment from publishing? Make your book your business; it's a marketing tool!

Uncertain how to promote your book? Gain momentum through speaking gigs.

Choose Your Sizzle

~ Save $HUNDREDS$ ~

Start Today

Choose your preferred package

  • Author Publishing Training

  • Live Quick-Start Coaching Call

  • Lifetime Access AND Updates

  • Video and Downloadable PDF Lessons

  • Certification Track

  • Author Publishing Training

  • Speaker Platform Training

  • Live Quick-Start Coaching Call

  • PR Guide INSTANT Access

  • 50% OFF Blank Page to Bestseller Training (Launching Fall 2024)

  • Lifetime Access AND Updates

  • Video and Downloadable PDF Lessons

  • Certification Track

  • Speaker Platform Training

  • Live Quick-Start Coaching Call

  • Lifetime Access AND Updates

  • Video and Downloadable PDF Lessons

  • Certification Track

Sizzling Hot Deals For The Summer

What's Included in the Summer Sizzle Bundle


Coaching Call

Start your publishing journey

on the right foot


Publishing Course

Learn how to professionally

publish your book

Speaker Platform Training

Build a speakers platform

to market you and your book

  • LIVE session, one-on-one with a premiere Author's Voice coach

  • Answer your questions about publishing

  • Learn how the training platform works

  • Discover the best way to start your publishing journey

  • Create and format a manuscript

  • Prepare a manuscript for publishing

  • Learn how to self-publish or submit your manuscript to a traditional publisher

  • Organize the team needed to support yourself as an author

  • Discover ways to market your book

  • Create an author platform to promote you and your book

  • Certify yourself as a publishing professional and support other authors

  • Gather your intellectual property into clear and organized speeches

  • Market your speaking platform

  • Organize all the logistics behind speaker events

  • Organize your office, files, and more to quickly and efficiently accept speaking gigs

  • Certify yourself as a speaker platform professional


  • Instant access to the Public Relations Guide for Authors

  • Lifetime access to the training courses AND updates to all course materials

  • 50% OFF the new Blank Page to Bestseller course COMING FALL 2024

Ready to Start Your Training?

Publishing Done Your Way

Stop being fooled into thinking you can write and publish your book in a weekend! Or even 30 days!

Maybe if it's a novellete or a short story, but there's a limit to the amount you can write, edit, and prepare to publish in 30 days. AND that's not even including a simple marketing plan!

Writing and publishing takes time. Your story is important and deserves the proper attention to make sure you can share it with readers who are interested. Writing a book isn't easy, and can even be a little scary, especially for a first-time writer. As a writer, you feel pressure inside your head telling you your story isn't good enough or you get scared not knowing what to do once you finish writing. And that's not to say your colleagues or even your family members question the ability to make your story a success. Even once you get past those challenges, it's hard to know what to do and at what time so you don't mess up the launch before it even begins!

Don't worry! The Author's Voice is here to help!

Our two training courses are designed to help writers publish their book "The Write Way" and learn all the steps to complete and when to professionally write, publish, and market your book.

Writing your story? The Author Publishing Course takes you step by step through the entire writing, publishing, and marketing process for your book.


Is your book already published? The Speaker Platform Course teaches you how take your story on the road to speak at live or online events to audiences ready to hear your story.

Your Publishing Journey Begins Today!

Choose the course that fits you


Bundle and SAVE with the Summer Sizzle Bundle



Video and PDF Downloads

Each module contains a combination of video trainings and PDF documents for you to use throughout the course.


Online Training

All trainings are completed in ONE online training system. Keep track of all your progress in one dashboard.


Work at Your Pace

Complete the training modules at your own pace. Take as much time as you need to complete your certification.


Training Courses for Authors, Speakers, and Entrepreneurs

The Author's Voice is the premier online training platform for authors looking to learn about the publishing process, from manuscript creation to publishing to marketing and the important steps in between. Then, you can decide if you want to Do It Yourself (DIY) or have it done for you.

Whether you choose to DIY or have it DFY, you'll know the questions to ask to make sure your treasured story turns into your professionally published book.

Join the Waitlist

Stay in touch with The Author's Voice.

Don't miss out on our BRAND NEW course, Blank Page to Bestseller! COMING FALL 2024!

While you're waiting, we'll send you the 2024 Writing Planner to help you start your bestseller journey.

Join The Waitlist



Authors and Speakers make lasting impacts and change lives.

The Author's Voice training programs are perfect for anyone looking to share their story or help others share theirs. Don't miss our LOWEST price ever!

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