Publishing Professional Bundle

The Author And Speaker Training Courses Together in One Bundle

The Author's Voice is the premier online training platform for authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs looking to add a new revenue stream in their business. Whether you are an author looking to publish your book or an administrative assistant looking to expand your business by working with authors and speakers, we have the training programs to help you become a Certified Publishing Professional.

Two Course,

One Training Platform

Our two training programs, the Author Assistant training course and the Speaker Assistant training course, opens any entrepreneur to new revenue streams. Whether you are looking to help others publish their own book or you are an author ready to begin the publishing process for yourself, you can learn the industry's best practices for publishing and become a Certified Publishing Professional!

Continually Updated

These training courses were created by Jan B. King and we are continually updating them to reflect the publishing industry's best practices. The course teaches you what to look for in a publisher, how to avoid scams in the industry, and what steps are necessary for you or your clients to walk away with a professional self- or traditionally published book!

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What's Included

Learn more about these two programs

Author Training Program

How To Publish a Book

The Author Training Program is the premier training program to teach authors and author assistants how to professionally publish a book. In this four part training program you will learn all of the ins-and-outs of how to take a book from blank page to bookstore and on to the best seller list!

With over 35 individual classes you will learn how to:

  • Create a Manuscript

  • Prepare to Publish

  • Market Your Published Final Book

  • Build Your Own Brand

Speaker Training Program

How To Speak Professionally

The Speaker Training Program is our unique course design to teach you how to organize all of the material a speaker can use to create their speech. You also learn how to gain speaking engagements. This 6-part course covers everything needed to stay organized while creating a speaking tour.

With over 30 individual class you will better understand:

  • Brand Identity

  • Website Design & Development

  • SEO & Analytics

  • Social Media Conversion

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Training Rooted In Experience

We have over 30 years of experience in the publishing industry. Our training courses are based upon the original author assistant training courses created by Jan B. King. We continually look to update and revise the courses to bring you the industry's most comprehensive and up-to-date information available.

About Jan B. King

Jan King developed the Professional Author Assistant (PAA) course to provide support to virtual assistants who want to become the go-to resource for their author clients. Jan knew authors make great clients and the number of books being published and printed annually was increasing at an unprecedented rate, and eBooks would continue to send it soaring. She saw a tremendous need for virtual assistants who could provide those services to authors who don’t have the time or expertise to do it themselves. PAAs can help authors write and sell more and do less of what’s in between.

Most of her own clients were nonfiction authors. She worked as a publishing strategist; a combination of an old-fashioned editor at a publishing company and a literary agent. About two-thirds of her clients went the self-publishing route and one-third found major traditional publishers. The one part they had in common was they all NEEDED an author’s assistant and a team of professionals to help through the process. Jan developed the Virtual Author’s Assistant Training Program to give VAs the skills they needed to serve this market and regularly recommended author’s assistants to authors looking for help.

Not sure if the training programs are right for you? Schedule a call with The Author's Voice to learn more about the programs.

In our call with you we can answer any questions you might have about being an author or speaker assistant or how these programs can help authors writing their book.

Our three pillars of education, community, and professionalism are built into the Author and Speaker Training programs. We strive to make sure everyone understand the importance of having education in the publishing industry. We are building a community of individuals who know the challenges of publishing. We advocate for professionalism from authors and publishers.

Learn more about The Author's Voice today.

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